NADA BRAHMA: The Sound is the Teacher

NADA BRAHMA: The Sound is the Teacher

  NADA BRAHMA: The Sound is the Teacher By Paul Temple – with guidance and insight from Althor Part 1: Harmonic Overtones This is the first of a two-part blog on sound and vibration. This first portion was made into a presentation for the Shift Network...


“Humanity is now faced with a stark choice:  evolve or die.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle  My premise is quite simple, but of great importance to the survival of our human species. It is about the next phase of human evolution. The premise is that humans can – and really...

Lineages of Magic & The Age of Darkness

  This title may sound like something fantastical out of Harry Potter or Star Wars, but I do believe there are actual genetic family lineages on Earth that carry traits like clairvoyance, telepathy, intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies. I refer to these...