Diamond Light Activation Practices
When we activate our hearts, we remember who we really are: Luminous beings of love and infinite awareness. The more one strengthens and identifies with the light in the heart, the more one embodies the true self. One is less prone to be pulled off-center by outside projections, desires and glamours. You become grounded in your authentic truth and presence.
There are free online videos of Paul teaching this practice on Facebook and YouTube:
Diamond Light Network (DLN) offers a series of simple practices that help activate our heart-centers. The practices are rooted in ancient mystical teachings to open the Vajra – or Diamond Light — in our heart centers utilizing sound, chanting, meditation and visualization.
Sound and chanting are vehicles to generate vibrational energy and wisdom. The sound waves move through our physical and our etheric bodies, infusing our field with essential energy. Remembering that all vibration is an emanation of the primordial pulse of creation, the chanting of our own voice connects us with our own primordial creative power.
It is said that when one chants a mantra, one becomes the mantra because you are filling your being with the qualities of the mantra. When you chant a deity mantra you become the qualities of deity. When you chant a Vajra mantra, you become the Vajra.
Visualization is a way to focus the mind to generate energy: Energy follows thought. What we think with our mind becomes manifest in our world. So visualizing a luminous orb of omniscient awareness in our heart center that is connected to the universe through axis of light is a simple practice to begin to manifest these qualities in our reality. Given the density of our earthly 3D collective consciousness, this may not be an instantaneous manifestation, but over time, as energy builds and magnetizes, the visualizations take root and strengthen in the energy body.
The Diamond Light practices include quite simple visualizations. Traditional Vajrayana teachings involve visualizing much more complex images of intricately detailed mandalas and deities, but we are starting with very simple forms – like learning to add 1+1 and 2+2 in grade school. However the impact of doing this simple practice regularly can be profound. Much of what is needed for humans to activate their hearts now is to simply “realize” — or make real — this part of our being that has been long neglected and misunderstood. I keep a picture of the Diamond Heart Circuit by my door so every time I pass by and see it I am connected back into my Heart Center.

Phase One:
The Pearl of Light
Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart center, breathing into your heart, connecting, feeling heart coherence.
Notice how this impacts your mind and body.
I invite to now visualize a PEARL OF LIGHT in your heart, in the center of the chest. Sensing, seeing, feeling that glowing orb begin to brighten and pulse as you give it attention.
This is your Vajra – or diamond radiance – manifesting as pure light floating in a sphere of omniscient awareness, radiating your pure innate nature.
Trust the power of your visioning to begin to actualize and activate the reality of your heart center. This is your center, the center of your true self, your soul, your essential nature.
You can tone or hum the sound AUM – softly if you like – in a long sustained sound. Take a breath and then tone again, keeping the sound going for a few minutes. Letting the vibrations of your voice harmonize and amplify the radiant pearl of light in your heart… welcoming it, nurturing it, singing with it as the vibrations of light and sound move through your physical and energy bodies.
You can also play any of the chanting recordings from RadianceMatrix — which offer an additional vibrational transmission of the Vajra energies.
This is the simple first step: becoming aware of the pearl of light in your heart. Visualize it, feel it, feel how feeling it affects the rest of your mind and body. Just be with it –—
A good practice for this time! This chanting session generates healing energy for self, the planet and all beings!
Instructions below are for the basic practice, which sets the foundation for further practices. The more advanced practices are taught in workshops and retreats, as described on “Our Programs” page.
This spoken instruction of the practice has the chanting included.
Spoken Meditation Instruction with Paul's Chanting
Paul's Chanting
It is recommended to play this recording of Paul’s Vajrana chanting while doing the practice.
The chanting and bowls give a vibrational transmission of the Diamond Light radiance and helps catalyze and crystallize the energetic connections.

Phase Two:
Connecting the
Diamond Light Circuit
As a second step, I invite you to again visualize that Pearl of Light in your heart.
Now envision a spiral of light descending from the base of the pearl, down through your root chakra, down into the heart of the Earth.
On your next inhale, breathe that spiral of light back up from the heart of the Earth into your heart. Take a few breaths sending and receiving through that spiral of light – connecting your heart with the heart of the Earth.
Now, on your next exhale, send another spiral of light from the top of the Pearl, up through your crown chakra, up into the stars: connecting with your star guides, your star family, your higher consciousness.
Then inhale, bringing that spiral back down from the stars through your crown into your heart. Take a few breaths sending and receiving through that spiral of light – connecting your heart with the stars and the vastness of the sky.
Heaven and Earth meet in your heart. You are like a great tree with roots in the Earth, branches in the sky and your luminous Pearl of Light in the center.
Now, across the horizontal plane, we send another set of luminous spirals out from your Pearl reaching left and right (or North and South) across the planes of Earth. Inhaling and exhaling, sending and receiving, you form a great cross – the crossroads of your inner being — as Earth, Sky, North and South connect at the Pearl of Light in your heart.
Then finally we send another set of spirals from the Pearl going front and back (or East-West), extending, expanding your connection into all three dimensions. Inhaling, exhaling – sending and receiving – connecting Earth, Sky, North, South, East and West in the Pearl of Light in your heart center.
This is your Diamond Light Circuit — connecting your heart as an inseparable point of light in what the Tibetans call “the jeweled fabric of the universe”.
Now sit, breathe, feel. Observe how your heart feels with this activation and connection.
You can chant AUM or hum, adding more vibrational encoding to the visualization. You can also play recordings of RadianceMatrix while holding the visualizations, and chant along.
In closing, it is good to draw the six spirals of light back into your Heart Pearl. The channels are always there, but good to not have them too open as your return to Earthly reality. Breathe into your heart, affirming the light in yourself and your connection to all beings.
Sometimes I close with the affirmation:
I AM Safe, I AM Clear,
I AM Free from All Fear.
I AM Light, I AM Strong,
I AM Connected to All Beings.
I AM Grateful for the Beauty of All That Is.
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