Practical Magick 101 is a 4-part live mystery school series presented by Paul Temple with tools and practices dedicated to re-awakening our magical abilities.  Rooted in the Diamond Light Teachings of Althor and ancient Vajrayana teachings.

First intro session is FREE /  On Zoom or in person at Double Rainbow Ranch, Boulder

How can we grow into the bright, luminous beings we know we can become?

The modern world offers little support to our magical self. The day-to-day complexities of life on Earth do not encourage us to nurture our souls, remember our luminous essence or accelerate spiritual evolution.

“Humanity has a choice, evolve or die.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Paul Temple’s spirit guide, Althor, has said it is very important for humans to evolve in this time – and has offered some simple but powerful tools to help with this. These Diamond Light Teachings of Althor, guide us to first awaken our heart center, which is the seat of the soul and our connection with the mystic realms. Althor says the next phase in human evolution is a species of people with awakened hearts. The teachings of Althor offer a path to this spiritual evolution – both personal and collective.

“What we really need is a system to educate the Heart!”   ~ The Dalai Lama

The four sessions in this initial series offer live, interactive time with Paul Temple to build a foundation for our magical-self using the tools from Althor’s teachings. We will learn a daily practice that includes meditations, visualizations, chanting and movement practices to strengthen our energy body. The practices learned here set the foundation for more advanced teachings and work in future series.

“The Diamond Light Teachings have become my number one tool of connection.
These practices are deeply powerful and hold me close to the true nature of my heart.”
~ Gabriella Espinoza

The sessions will also build a support circle of like-hearted souls – spiritual allies to support us on our soul-path to find our medicine-work and heart-magic. We will learn from each other as we all have wisdom and insights to share.

Trying to awakening in this time is like swimming upstream.
You are going against the current of the collective slumber.
~ Laura Matsue

The 2 hour sessions will be live on Zoom with in-person attendance available at Double Rainbow Ranch in Boulder, CO. The first session is free.

 –  Registration is free for first session only:
 –  Registration for remaining three sessions: $108

Practical Magick 101: Tools to Accelerate Spiritual Evolution


Session 1 – Tuesday, May 7th, 6-8pm MST

Session 2  – Tuesday, May 14th, 6-8pm MST

Session 3 -Tuesday, May 21st, 6-8pm MST

Session 4 – Tuesday, May 28th, 6-8pm MST

magicK 101

April 30 – May 21

6 – 8pm MST

