You are invited to join Beacons of Light, a monthly new moon ceremonial gathering to generate a field of peace, beauty, stability and equanimity for our collective human consciousness. It is an opportunity to activate your power as a co-creator of our shared human reality, to engage your magical gifts, to generate good cause in the world and to be part of a ceremonial circle dedicated to the evolution of humanity on Earth.
Bring your heart, bring your power, bring your magic.
The circle, led by Paul Temple, will meet on Zoom (and live in Boulder, CO) and will include people from around the world to generate a pulse of peace, love, beauty and awakened consciousness for the benefit of humanity. It is said that Tibetan monks prayed and chanted in caves in the Himalayas to hold steady the planetary consciousness during the dark times of the early 20th Century. Paul received instruction from his spirit guide Althor to form this circle to help hold the planetary matrix of light stable through this time of chaos.
“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.” ~ Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize winning chemist
Pre-requisite to joining Beacons of Light is a two-hour training to learn the practices we will use. The practices are from the Diamond Light Teachings which Paul received from his spirit guide Althor to help humanity move toward the next step in human evolution.
In the training you will be asked to learn the first five levels of the Diamond Light heart activation practices received from Althor. You will be asked to do these practices regularly so the geometrics become strong in your energy body. These practices will form the foundation work of the group.
Beacons will be a generator of conscious intentional energies for our collective wellbeing. Each new moon we will use the Diamond Light practices in various settings and applications to generate fields of peace, beauty, equanimity and light for humanity. In joining the circle we ask you use the Diamond Light practices only for good cause and that you hold the practices in confidentiality and not teach them to others.
Participation in Beacons of Light is an offering of service. While there is no required monetary payment, donations to Diamond Light Network for both the training and ongoing involvement are encouraged to support the cost of the work.
Training Suggested Donation: $44
New Moon Suggested Donation: $13
Other Donation (including $0)
(*Option for alternative donations available when click “Get Tickets” on registration page)
Beacons of Light Sessions and Training
First training session will be Tuesday, Jan. 21st at 7pm (MST)
The first Beacons of Light session will be Tue Jan 28 at 7pm (MST)